Your Contribution Matters
Your contribution will provide necessary funding and volunteers to maintain essential programming. That investment in resources and time provides significant impact.
MDL is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization, EIN 61-1651010. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by applicable law.
MDL Makes Every Dollar Count: Debaters spend an average of 350 hours per year learning through debate practice, research, and competition. It costs roughly $2.85 an hour to have this opportunity accessible for a single student. By working with the resources of the Milwaukee Public School system, community sponsors and partners, and countless volunteer hours of support, we stretch the impact of every dollar to help student success.
National Network and Local Need: The Milwaukee Urban Debate League is partnered with the 22 Urban Debate Leagues across the country. Sister programs like the Chicago Debate League currently serve over 500 students from more than 14 schools in the Chicago area. In Milwaukee, we have served hundreds of students from several area schools but thousands continue to be without the benefit of competitive policy debate.
Donate by Check
Please make your check payable to Milwaukee Debate League and send to: Milwaukee Debate League, PO Box 1314, Milwaukee, WI 53201